I am not here for…

  I do not know how to start this particular piece, but I will just disclaim that these things that I, Savai am not here for. Things part of me cant stand. Here we go: I am not here for... So, you see me in town . It doesn't matter where. But since you are... Continue Reading →

Reasons why…

Yesterday as I was scrolling Facebook I saw a post by a friend(I will call her this because she is famous on Facebook because of her moving posts and how she makes us all vulnerable to each other. Also because when I comment on her posts, she is kind enough to reply, so yea, a... Continue Reading →

Beyond the lines…

There's just something about your first. First kiss, first love, and for me, the first person who gave me a chance to do their story. Look, I am not as good as Biko, if anything, I will be rusty, and maybe give my own opinions along the way but that is how we learn. How... Continue Reading →

Dear Daughter

Hello... It’s me. I am back (well, hopefully for good). First off, let me thank the people who asked about why I don’t post anymore (by people I just mean one person). You know, my script was like this: I would not post in a while (a long while) then after a month or so,... Continue Reading →

Update 101!

It is October! Initially this post was supposed to be up by 1st Oct, but I have this thing where I say things then I start working on it at least ten days later, so here we are. First, I am really trying to adult! With assignments on one hand and life in your 20’s... Continue Reading →

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